Breaking the Perfectionist Cycle: Lessons from a Cycling Tour

Introduction: Perfectionism, often seen as a commendable trait, can paradoxically become a roadblock to success. In our journey through personal and professional pursuits, perfectionists encounter various challenges that hinder their growth and well-being. Let’s explore how the metaphor of a cycling tour can illuminate the pitfalls of perfectionism and offer practical solutions for positive change.

Struggling to Make Decisions: The Bob Dilemma

Perfectionists, like Bob, aim for the absolute best choice, leading to decision paralysis. Bob’s quest for a tool with no negative reviews delays his decision for weeks, missing out on the benefits of the tool. In our cycling tour, this aligns with fixating on the perfect route instead of enjoying the ride. Embracing the journey, cyclists learn to adapt and make decisions efficiently. Similarly, perfectionists can benefit from developing heuristics, like a cyclist’s rules of thumb for route choices.

Worrying About Sunk Costs: The Andrea and Marcus Scenario

Andrea and Marcus illustrate the perfectionist tendency to excessively worry about sunk costs. Andrea stays subscribed to an unused service to recover the perceived loss, and Marcus spends extra time on a customer service call, both trapped by the fear of letting go. In the cycling tour analogy, this corresponds to cyclists avoiding detours or exploring new paths due to an irrational fear of deviating from the planned route. Breaking free from this mindset, individuals can learn from cyclists who embrace detours as opportunities for growth.

Avoiding Challenges: The Art Missed Opportunity

Perfectionists often hold back from challenges until they feel absolutely ready. Art, unwilling to speak at a conference without a public speaking course, misses a valuable opportunity. In the cycling tour, this is akin to avoiding challenging terrains for fear of failure. Cyclists understand that challenges contribute to their growth. Perfectionists can adopt a mindset of continuous improvement, asking, “How could I improve by 1%?” and seizing opportunities for growth, even if they are not flawlessly prepared.

Applying High Standards to Others: The Ranjay Effect

Ranjay’s last-minute tweaks alienate colleagues, showcasing how perfectionists may apply their rigorous standards to others, causing harm to relationships. In a cycling tour, this is comparable to dictating the pace and route for everyone else. Cyclists understand the importance of collaboration and respecting individual capabilities. Perfectionists can benefit from observing successful non-perfectionists and learning to adapt their standards to foster teamwork.

Ruminating about Weaknesses: Andrea and Ranjay’s Struggle

Perfectionists often ruminate over weaknesses and mistakes, intensifying emotional pain. Andrea and Ranjay can’t let go of a subscription service or a sloppy presentation, respectively. In the cycling tour analogy, this is akin to dwelling on a challenging uphill section long after it’s passed. Cyclists learn to disrupt rumination and focus on the present. Similarly, individuals can benefit from strategies to curb overthinking and maintain a positive mindset.

Practical Solutions for Change:

In a cycling tour, success lies in adapting to changing terrains and enjoying the journey. Perfectionists can learn from this approach:

  • Learn from Successes: Reflect on pathways to success, embracing a ready, fire, aim approach.
  • Identify Role Models: Observe successful non-perfectionists for effective strategies.
  • Develop Heuristics: Create rules of thumb for faster decision-making.
  • Seek Incremental Improvements: Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement.
  • Disrupt Rumination: Learn to let go and focus on the present.


Just as a cyclist navigates diverse terrains with adaptability, individuals can overcome the counterproductive aspects of perfectionism by embracing a flexible, experiential approach. Breaking free from the perfectionist cycle is not about flawlessness but about learning, growing, and enjoying the journey, much like a cycling tour.

Riding the Waves: Navigating Executive Life with the Urgent-Important Matrix and the Art of Cycling


Embarking on a cycling tour isn’t just about pedaling through picturesque landscapes; it’s a journey that extends beyond physical exertion. A cycling trip offers a unique vantage point, enabling riders to pay attention to the details that matter and, metaphorically, see the big picture. In this blog post, we’ll explore how a cycling tour can sharpen your focus, enhance mindfulness, and help you track the broader strokes of life.

Escape the Noise:

The hustle and bustle of daily life can drown out the subtleties that contribute to the big picture. A cycling tour provides a temporary escape from the noise, allowing you to recalibrate your senses and focus on what truly matters.
Mindful Riding:

Cycling requires a level of mindfulness – being fully present in the moment. The rhythmic rotation of pedals, the sound of tires on the road, and the wind against your face create a sensory experience that brings you into the present, helping you tune in to the nuances that might be overlooked in a hectic routine.
Solitude and Reflection:

Whether cycling solo or with a small group, the open road provides an opportunity for solitude and reflection. This introspective time allows you to ponder on your goals, challenges, and the broader direction of your life or career.
Heightened Awareness:

Cycling through changing landscapes demands heightened awareness. The rise and fall of the terrain, the shifting colors of the scenery, and the encounters with nature all contribute to a heightened sense of observation. This acute awareness extends beyond the cycling route and can impact your ability to notice details in your professional life.
Tracking Progress:

A cycling tour is a journey with a tangible endpoint. Setting and achieving milestones during the ride mirror the goal-setting process in your personal and professional life. The sense of accomplishment and progress during the tour can inspire similar success in your broader pursuits.
Incorporating Technology:

Embrace technology to enhance your cycling experience. Use fitness trackers or cycling apps to monitor your performance. This incorporation of technology not only adds a layer of data-driven motivation but also translates to tracking and analyzing the key metrics in your professional life.

A cycling tour is more than a physical challenge; it’s a mental and emotional odyssey that can hone your ability to pay attention to the details that shape the big picture. As you navigate the twists and turns of the road, you may find that the same principles apply to the complexities of your life and career. So, saddle up, embrace the open road, and discover how a cycling trip can be a transformative experience, offering clarity and perspective that extends far beyond the pedals and handlebars.

CycloTouring Wisdom: Scaling Down for Epic Journeys

Introduction: Embarking on a cycling touring adventure is a dream for many riders, but the vast landscapes and long distances can be intimidating. Fear not, for there’s a powerful approach that can turn your grand cycling tour aspirations into an achievable reality — the art of scaling down. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of cycling touring and explore how embracing a half-size version of your touring goals can make the journey not only more realistic but also more enjoyable.

The Grand Vision of Cycling Touring: Cycling touring often conjures images of epic cross-country rides, traversing mountains, and conquering vast distances. While these aspirations are undeniably inspiring, they can also be overwhelming at first glance. Picture your original touring goal side by side with a half-size version — the full cross-country adventure and its more manageable counterpart. Which feels more realistic? The answer might just reshape your touring strategy.

Realism on Two Wheels: As you visualize your original and half-size touring goals, ask yourself which is the better, more realistic option. Scaling down doesn’t mean compromising the essence of your dream; it’s about making it attainable. Consider the half-size version as a gateway to a broader adventure. Maybe your initial plan was to cross an entire continent, but starting with a cross-country journey in your home country might be a more feasible and equally rewarding alternative.

Breaking Down the Distance: If the idea of a cross-country tour still feels like an insurmountable task, don’t hesitate to shrink it further. Break down the distance into segments, each representing a day or a week of riding. Suddenly, the once-intimidating goal becomes a series of achievable milestones. This approach not only eases the mental burden but also allows you to savor each leg of the journey.

One-Tenth the Size, Ten Times the Achievability: Scaling down your cycling touring goal to one-fourth or even one-tenth of the original size may seem counterintuitive, but it sets the stage for success. Imagine planning a tour that covers just a fraction of your initial vision. Once you start pedaling and conquering each mini-adventure, the momentum builds. The beauty of cycling touring lies in the ability to adapt and extend your journey as you go, making it a truly dynamic experience.

Embrace the Touring Journey: Cycling touring is not just about the destination; it’s about the journey. By scaling down your goals, you’re not just making them more achievable — you’re enhancing the joy of exploration. Celebrate the local wonders, the unexpected detours, and the connections made along the way. Each scaled-down goal becomes a unique chapter in your touring story, creating a narrative that’s as diverse as the landscapes you traverse.

Conclusion: As you dream of epic cycling touring adventures, remember the wisdom of scaling down your goals. Whether it’s a cross-country odyssey or a local exploration, the key is to make your dream ride more realistic and enjoyable. Embrace the journey, conquer the scaled-down goals, and let the road unfold before you — after all, in cycling touring, the beauty lies in the cyclical rhythm of the pedal strokes and the ever-expanding horizons.

Breaking Free: Cycling Tours as a Gateway to Escaping the Rabbit Hole of Unimportant Pursuits

Introduction: In our fast-paced, modern lives, it’s easy to find ourselves tumbling down the rabbit hole of unimportant tasks and activities without even realizing it. The constant buzz of notifications, the pressure to stay connected, and the demands of a busy schedule can lead us astray from what truly matters. However, there’s a simple yet powerful antidote that can help us break free from the grip of unimportant things – cycling tours.

1.     Disconnecting to Reconnect: Cycling tours offer a unique opportunity to disconnect from the digital noise and reconnect with the world around us. As we pedal away from the familiar surroundings of our daily lives, we leave behind the distractions that often lead us down the rabbit hole. The rhythmic motion of cycling and the immersive experience of nature create a perfect environment for introspection.

2.     Mindfulness in Motion: Cycling is more than just a physical activity; it’s a form of mindfulness in motion. The focus required to navigate the road, the rhythm of pedaling, and the sensations of the outdoors force us to be present in the moment. In this state of mindfulness, we become acutely aware of our surroundings and our own thoughts, helping us identify and question the activities that might be consuming our time without adding value to our lives.

3.     Setting and Achieving Goals: Embarking on a cycling tour involves setting goals – whether it’s reaching a particular destination, conquering a challenging terrain, or simply enjoying the ride. This goal-setting mentality can translate seamlessly into our daily lives. By defining and pursuing meaningful objectives, we can avoid the aimless wandering that often leads to the rabbit hole of unimportant tasks.

4.     Recharging the Mind and Body: Cycling is not only a mental escape but also a physical one. The endorphin release and the sense of accomplishment that come with conquering a challenging route contribute to an overall sense of well-being. A rejuvenated mind and body are better equipped to discern between meaningful and unimportant pursuits, helping us refocus on what truly matters.

5.     Inspiration from the Journey: Cycling tours take us on a journey, both physically and metaphorically. The diverse landscapes, encounters with new people, and overcoming obstacles along the way can serve as a metaphor for our own life journey. These experiences can inspire us to reassess our priorities, letting go of the unimportant and making room for what brings true fulfillment.

Conclusion: In a world where it’s easy to get lost in the rabbit hole of unimportant pursuits, a cycling tour provides a much-needed escape. By disconnecting, practicing mindfulness, setting and achieving goals, recharging both mind and body, and drawing inspiration from the journey, we can gain valuable insights into our lives. So, strap on your helmet, hop on your bike, and pedal your way to a clearer perspective on what truly matters.


Discover MONDURO: Your Ultimate Himalayan Cycling Adventure!

Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating journey that will push your cycling skills to the limit while immersing you in the breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas? MONDURO, the ultimate Enduro cycling event, awaits you in the enchanting Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh this November. Let’s delve into what makes MONDURO a must-experience adventure.Unlocking the Name “MONDURO”

First, let’s unveil the meaning behind the name. “Mon” stands for Monpas, the local inhabitants of Tawang. MONDURO is not just a cycling event; it’s a celebration of local culture and an invitation to explore the incredible terrain of this region.

A Trailblazing Mountain Biking Experience:MONDURO offers a brand new perspective on mountain biking. Participants get to conquer virgin trails that wind through lush Rhododendron forests and vibrant meadows. These trails aren’t just paths; they’re gateways to history, with each one hiding ancient stories waiting to be discovered as you ride through time.

MTB: More Than Just Cycling:When we say “MTB,” we’re not just talking about mountain terrain biking. We’re talking about adventure, the thrill of discovery, and the joy of conquering uncharted territory. Tawang’s terrain provides the perfect canvas for this adrenaline-pumping experience.

Tawang: Your Elevated Playground:At an awe-inspiring altitude of 10,000 feet in the Himalayan range, Tawang offers the ideal mix of challenging terrain and favorable weather conditions. It’s a paradise for mountain biking enthusiasts, where you can test your skills against nature’s most formidable obstacles.

Why MONDURO Should Be Your Next Adventure:

  1. Spectacular Scenery: MONDURO promises a visual feast as you navigate untouched trails weaving through Rhododendron groves and lush meadows.

  1. Rich Heritage: Each trail holds an ancient tale, offering a glimpse into the fascinating history of the Monpas.

  1. Adventure Awaits: Conquer diverse terrains and elevations, making each ride an adrenaline-pumping experience.

  1. Perfect Timing: November’s pleasant weather ensures a safe and enjoyable cycling adventure.

Are you ready to embrace the adventure of a lifetime? MONDURO is more than an Enduro cycling event; it’s a journey where nature and history merge to offer an unforgettable experience. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this thrilling adventure in the heart of the Himalayas. Join us in November for MONDURO and create memories that will last a lifetime. It’s time to saddle up and conquer the Himalayan trails!

I am sure, you are interested by now. Kindly share your details to participate in this thrilling cycling event at


Bicycle touring guide in single page

Topics to be considered for a memorable bike packing trip

  1. Motivation
  2. Research
  3. Preparation
  4. Packing
  5. Safety
  6. Food
  7. Camping
  8. People Connect
  9. On Ride 
  10. How to document your journey


  1. Why bicycle touring
  2. How to make your next big trip(below #3 to #5 points)
  3. How to push any hurdle on the tour
  4. How to overcome fear of uncertainty -Take Police help – Just give some time  -Hang out with locals  -Talk with people for your mind refreshment
  5. Initial 3-4 days are hardest. Takes time to accustomed


  1. Why initial research about the tip is so important
  2. What you need to research(Below points)
  3. Weather -How to deal with heat/cold conditions    -wind
  4. Best time:When is the to tour that location
  5. Place :Attractive places -on your tour -campsite
  6. Map
  7. Altitude
  8. Road:Condition -mtb tyre -hybrid tyre
  9. Your now Action :Start your research of your exciting place


  1. Why preparation can make your tour smoother
  2. What people miss in their preparation 
  3. How to do preparation(Below points)
  4. Pre ride: 3-4 80-100 km ride in past 3 weeks
  5. Pre load test with bikepack
  6. Bikefit -Hybrid-mtb-roadbike
  7. Bike repairing basic skill


  1. Map : Terrain -Good road- off road -hill -flat -rolling   Distance-Total -Point to point distance -attractive place 
  2. Money :Food -daily -breakfast -lunch -dinner – fruits -hydration   -other            Emergency ,Bike maintenance, Extra

A cycling trip to the largest river island Majuli


Do you really want to visit Majuli ?

Have you ever imagined how a piece of land make you feel as a different world surrounded by a river. Yes, that’s true. A river island declared as a district , the largest river island named Majuli is located in mighty river the Brahmaputra in Assam.

Don’t you want to experience this unique piece of land completely untouched by modernization, separated from mainland of Assam with its natural surroundings , cycling in Majuli.

Highlight-Worthy Gatherings

Craft extraordinary gatherings filled with productive workshops and memorable experiences.

Empowering you to fully immerse in the significant moments of noteworthy occasions while capturing them, ensuring reminiscing opportunities!

Let’s find the best way to explore


To explore this natural environment , pleasing your eyes deeply with the paddy fields , the small small huts of the villagers, fragrance of seasonal flowers can only be experienced by cycling . Away from the mainland of Assam, Majuli has almost no traffic. Few cycle rental shops are the evidence of its popularity of cycling in Majuli to explore this largest river island.


So , let’s start

There was a time , when I was dreaming about to witness this naturally rich piece of land away from urbanization .And I found it can’t be better explored better than cycling in Majuli.

These points will motivate you to visit this largest river island:

Naturally Untouched:


Amaze with the broad flat paddy fields at its river bank .I imagine how beautiful will it be when covered with the green paddy.

Tribal architecture of home:


Have you noticed the unique architecture of the bamboo huts of the Mising tribe. Completely made up of wood and bamboo , these home tells us how these people are living amidst nature , conserving their traditional style out of modernization. You can also see their handmade weaving machine in most of their home.

A tribal culture in Assam:


Mising culture is one of the unique tribal culture . It’s so nice to see the Mising ladies with their traditional dress with their lovely simles on face . And yes, these traditional dresses are absolutely handmade. Don’t forget to enjoy their Mising dance if you get a chance .

Famous Mask art:


Won’t you be surprised to see the creation of those mask created uniquely with bamboo sticks, cow dung, clay and cloth. Don’t miss to see this world famous mask creation in Samaguri satra. They are not only used in local drama but also exported to abroad. And I was very blessed to see such a mask creation by one of the professional mask artist at Samaguri .

Living with an active lifestyle:

Have you observed how fit their physical appearance are. Do you think it’s god gifted or a way of living . Their active village lifestyle is the answer. Away from modern physical luxury, working on the field for their bread and butter,cutting woods for their cooking and building their home and house holds , walking or cycling as a mode of transport are keeping these people very active.

River crossing by boat:


Experience the joy of crossing this mighty river Brahmaputra by machine boat. You should be excited to cross such a broad and strong river by boat.It can’t be a better way to observe this island from is surrounding water, and that’s only possible when you cross by a boat. Even these boats can carry your cars , bikes along with other passengers.

Local food:


Let’s have a taste of local delicacies from the kitchen of the local villager. A special kind of rice Beer (apong) with pork is a must if you consider food in this largest river island . This river island is self sophisticated to produce home grown rice and vegetables and it’s taste will let you know how organic those food are.



The trip to Majuli will be incomplete without a visit to the world famous Satra . These Hindu worshiping places since the era of Ahom kingdom are not only contributing to conserve our Assamese traditional culture of worshiping but also attracts many tourists across the globe. The pleasant surrounding with the greenery and the old temple with the residential homes of their devotee gives a unique feeling in the satras .

Lovely poeple:


Majuli is known for their lovely people and their hospitality.Its not unusual to see the villagers waving hands while you are on road. Don’t be surprise if they offer you a visit to their home. Will you get these kind of hospitality anywhere in the globe usually. Even though a 3 start hotel is un-imaginable at that island , but their hospitality and their traditional home will make you forget about those modern architecture and luxury.


Today I am going to show how to go for a bicycling trip to Majuli.

Reach Nimatighat :Starting from Jorhat town , it will be around 17 kms to reach Nimatighat ferry port. Enjoy the Nimati ghat road from the town crossing the Assamese villages , paddy fields and temples (naamghar) which leads to Nimati ghat ferry port. I am sure that shades of the trees and the riverside breeze will make you feel for a pleasant ride.


At Nimatighat: Admire the magnificent island from the mainland of Assam . The breeze at the riverside and the broad spread of white sands (only seen at winter) in few middle part of the river will excite you to visit Majuli. Take a breath and take some beautiful clicks of the broad landscape of water and sands.

There are few food stalls and public transport you can see at Nimatighat.

There are scheduled boats to cross the river which may take around an hour.

Don’t be surprised to see how they load the cars and motorcycle on the boat.Enjoy the process of loading these vehicles on boat.The cars are usually carried in the open space of the boat and the motor cycles are on the roof of the boat.

You can carry your bicycles on the roof of the boat itself with the support of the boat crews.

Lets board on the boat and be ready to get some nice clicks of the mighty river .

From the river on the boat you can observe how the flood and riverbank erosion is contributing to extinction of the great river island. It’a very sad to listen those talks about the erosion of the island from the local villagers of Majuli.

Reach at Kamalabari Ghat : Don’t you fell like a different world altogether once you land that other part of the river. Don’t miss to enjoy the trial from the ferry port till you hit the main road. You may need to go few hundred meters to reach the main road from the ghat. But feel the experience of cycling on the sandy earth from the port to the main road.

Soon you will feel that pleasure of cycling in Majuli on such a traffic free road surrounded by paddy filed and Mising villages. Apart from the few small localities , hardly you can see any modern architecture there and enjoy this environment from hustle and bustle of your city life.


Defiantly our visit and cycling in Majuli will enrich your experiences in much deeper way . So, don’t miss this unique world of human civilization and plan for your next cycling trip in Majuli.