Breaking the Perfectionist Cycle: Lessons from a Cycling Tour

Introduction: Perfectionism, often seen as a commendable trait, can paradoxically become a roadblock to success. In our journey through personal and professional pursuits, perfectionists encounter various challenges that hinder their growth and well-being. Let’s explore how the metaphor of a cycling tour can illuminate the pitfalls of perfectionism and offer practical solutions for positive change.

Struggling to Make Decisions: The Bob Dilemma

Perfectionists, like Bob, aim for the absolute best choice, leading to decision paralysis. Bob’s quest for a tool with no negative reviews delays his decision for weeks, missing out on the benefits of the tool. In our cycling tour, this aligns with fixating on the perfect route instead of enjoying the ride. Embracing the journey, cyclists learn to adapt and make decisions efficiently. Similarly, perfectionists can benefit from developing heuristics, like a cyclist’s rules of thumb for route choices.

Worrying About Sunk Costs: The Andrea and Marcus Scenario

Andrea and Marcus illustrate the perfectionist tendency to excessively worry about sunk costs. Andrea stays subscribed to an unused service to recover the perceived loss, and Marcus spends extra time on a customer service call, both trapped by the fear of letting go. In the cycling tour analogy, this corresponds to cyclists avoiding detours or exploring new paths due to an irrational fear of deviating from the planned route. Breaking free from this mindset, individuals can learn from cyclists who embrace detours as opportunities for growth.

Avoiding Challenges: The Art Missed Opportunity

Perfectionists often hold back from challenges until they feel absolutely ready. Art, unwilling to speak at a conference without a public speaking course, misses a valuable opportunity. In the cycling tour, this is akin to avoiding challenging terrains for fear of failure. Cyclists understand that challenges contribute to their growth. Perfectionists can adopt a mindset of continuous improvement, asking, “How could I improve by 1%?” and seizing opportunities for growth, even if they are not flawlessly prepared.

Applying High Standards to Others: The Ranjay Effect

Ranjay’s last-minute tweaks alienate colleagues, showcasing how perfectionists may apply their rigorous standards to others, causing harm to relationships. In a cycling tour, this is comparable to dictating the pace and route for everyone else. Cyclists understand the importance of collaboration and respecting individual capabilities. Perfectionists can benefit from observing successful non-perfectionists and learning to adapt their standards to foster teamwork.

Ruminating about Weaknesses: Andrea and Ranjay’s Struggle

Perfectionists often ruminate over weaknesses and mistakes, intensifying emotional pain. Andrea and Ranjay can’t let go of a subscription service or a sloppy presentation, respectively. In the cycling tour analogy, this is akin to dwelling on a challenging uphill section long after it’s passed. Cyclists learn to disrupt rumination and focus on the present. Similarly, individuals can benefit from strategies to curb overthinking and maintain a positive mindset.

Practical Solutions for Change:

In a cycling tour, success lies in adapting to changing terrains and enjoying the journey. Perfectionists can learn from this approach:

  • Learn from Successes: Reflect on pathways to success, embracing a ready, fire, aim approach.
  • Identify Role Models: Observe successful non-perfectionists for effective strategies.
  • Develop Heuristics: Create rules of thumb for faster decision-making.
  • Seek Incremental Improvements: Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement.
  • Disrupt Rumination: Learn to let go and focus on the present.


Just as a cyclist navigates diverse terrains with adaptability, individuals can overcome the counterproductive aspects of perfectionism by embracing a flexible, experiential approach. Breaking free from the perfectionist cycle is not about flawlessness but about learning, growing, and enjoying the journey, much like a cycling tour.

Outdoor activities consumes significant amount of energy, is it really worth spending?

Are you a regular runner,cyclist or a couch potato guy. Did it come to you mind that outdoor enthusiasts spends so much of time with their physical activities, was it worth spending that time in some other productive activities or instead of those.

Here I am going to clarify your doubt with sone of my real life example.

First of all , why do we do movement activities, is it not regarding to maintain a healthy physic and mind by investing some dedicated time out of your busy daily schedules, however what could have been done better to maintain your well being. There might be many alternatives , but being and indulging many excercise outdoor might help you to receive the positive vives from natural ecosystem. And that is worth spending to make yourself fresh every single day.Can we be productive whatever we do in our day to day tasks , without being energetic .

In my experience, I have performed lots of outdoor activities starting from a small walk in the village streets,going for a marathon till completing some international solo cycling tours for past 10 years. What I learnt after completing every single such objective is that, I could not only able to learn tins of life skills those are not taught otherwise, but also helps me to elevate my confidence and we’ll being.

A small walk in the woods not only enables you to breath some fresh air ,but also it steadily maintains your metabolism to an optimal level.After a 20 minutes of continues walk, releasing of Dopamine helps you to be happier.Going for a run not only make you to relese sweat to make you fresh afterwards, it gradually improve your cardio vascular system. A small to multiday cycling tour might give you the accessibility to connect with a local culture or to make some strong bonding with nature. Learning something new always makes your mind younger irrespective of your age as being outdoor you can deeply realise these benifits.And never forget to hydrate after your workouts before 30 min .

The level of energy you elevate throughout the day just by practicing some sort of exercises in the morning, in the same way to maintain your youth even till your elderly age by maintaining a strict regime of physical workouts regularly since your earliest age.Just think about the energy you bring to your entire life just by blocking some dedicated time for some sort of outdoor activities, which you would be amaged to observe by yourself.

There is a chance to feel bit fatigue after outdoor workouts ,which is absolutely normal. But just for that we are not supposed to discontinue our practices. But how do we make sure that we get the benefit of excercise and feel energetic without any fatigue. The answer is invest another 5 to 10 min of static strech exercises to feel post workout heavenly feeling and to avoid fatigue for rest of the day.

During this corona pendamic for a year, situation forced us to be inside home. but what I relised that without going outside for a small walk or even an hour cycling and avoiding completely the touch with the outdoor, made me more lathersic and less creative.

So, let’s hope this corona pendamic gets over very soon and we can start with our outdoor games to benifit form it.So keep safe and healthy.

life lessons from bicyle touring

Life lessons from cycling tour


Problem solving skill:

Do you know, one of the way to keep our mind fresh and stronger to solve problems in different ways. Like we make our muscle stronger ,the same way we make our mind stronger by facing and overcoming some challenging tasks. Ability to solve problems improves to face new challenges in life and hence we become a better and stronger human being.

Don’t we think in a cycling we face lots of small small chellanges while on the go.

DEciding the right destinations, choosing the right route, calculating and planning the tour, navigating the map at different unknown places, meeting stranger, ale to communicate your thoughts, are nothing less than any chellanges.Any by planning and touring such a tour defiantly you learn to overcome lots of chellanges.

Self reflection:

Looking your life backward , helps in lot many ways by tracking your actions towards your desired goals.

Touring to a new location provides the opportunity to self reflect your life. When ever we go to a under developed location, we realize that how lucky our current native location is with the enough facilities to live a lifestyle. When we tour to a modern location, we tend to get inspiration how to live a place in such a better lifestyle society and work towards to achieve that goal. Either way it helps to see the world.

When I was touring to some remote location in North Eastern parts of India, I realized how difficult that life style was comparatively without proper electricity and mobile connectivity .But when I was touring developed country life Singapore, I was amazed to see the modern lifestyle , ultramodern architecture, which inspire me to try and live in those society. t happens only due to my bicycle touring .